Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Purpose of my Blog

The purpose of this blog is to document the process of creating a technology professional development (PD) plan and implementing that plan.  I worked on this project with one of my colleagues, Taeler Good.  We are both Digital Learning Coaches and collaborate often in how to develop and implement meaningful PD for teachers.  Our role is to support teachers in implementing various forms of technology into their classrooms.  One of the district technology goals for all teachers is that they use Google Apps with their students to promote 21st century skills.  Teachers must first feel comfortable with Google Apps before they use those tools with their students.

My blog is organized with a tab explaining each step in the PD planning process.   First, I began analyzing the needs of the teachers at my school.  Next, my colleague and I used the needs analysis to create an outline for our PD plan.  The third tab documents our PD planning process.  After that, I show how the implementation of our PD plan was carried out with all of the materials and resources.  The final tab documents my reflection on what I learned about myself as a professional developer.